Hellenic Public Properties Company (HPPC) announces the successful conclusion of its open electronic tender for the sale of its property in Skaramangas shipyards, in which “MILINA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LTD” and “PYLETECH INDUSTRIES MAE” participated.
According to the results of the tender and the decision of the Chief Executive Officer of HPPC, Stefanos D. Vlastos, “MILINA ENTERPRISES COMPANY LTD”, linked to Greek shipowner George Prokopiou, was named highest bidder by offering 37.316.041,88 euros, namely 21.5% higher than the starting price of 30.7 million euros.
Following the conclusion of the tender, the Chief Executive Officer of HPPC, Stefanos D. Vlastos, said:
“Today, as a company we have every reason to be proud, as we managed in the most beneficial way for the Greek State to complete the tender process for the development of an emblematic asset of great national importance for the economic development of our country.
The excellent preparation and implementation of this tender was a major challenge, which we carried out with a sense of responsibility towards the Greek taxpayer, based on the triptych of transparency, equality and sustainability. We remained committed to our objective, we fully respected the timeframe we had set and with full respect and credibility towards our potential investors, we managed to achieve a higher price than the starting price.
We expect that the success of this process will trigger the implementation of a major investment in the coming years that will create a multiplier effect for the Greek economy and the country as a whole.
I would like to thank the team of HPPC, which successfully completed a very difficult task within a short period of time with high professionalism, consistency and efficiency”, the CEO of HPPC added.
Stefanos D. Vlastos also thanked all those who contributed to this national effort and made special reference to the Office of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Development and Investment, the Regional Governor of Attica and all the competent authorities, as well as to the fruitful cooperation with the “Hellenic Shipyards S.A., under Special Administration”.
The CEO of HPPC also wished good luck to the new investor, highlighting that HPPC would support his effort for the successful implementation of his investment plans.
For his part, George Prokopiou stated: “I would like to express my congratulations for the highly professional and, at the same time, transparent procedure of HPPC’s tender for the sale of Skaramangas shipyard”.
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