National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Projects
HPPC, focuses its strategy on implementing a real estate development program for significant assets under its management.
The company’s certification as a beneficiary of the NSRF expanded the available financial resources for development and exploitation. This made it possible to plan a number of investments as co-financed projects throughout the country, promoting the upgrade of the Greek tourism product with the aim of introducing new alternative forms of tourism.
Α systematic effort is being made to implement a comprehensive action plan in order to exploit the potential of project financing in the various Sectoral and Regional Operational Programs (OPs). True to its vision for sustainable development, HPPC has pursued its long-term development goals, strengthening its position and contributing to the emergence of Greece as a top tourist and investment destination internationally.
The development of Specific Programs relates to the implementation of sustainable actions for the integrated environmental performance and operation of specific infrastructures in HPPC’s properties. Through innovative ideas and proven solutions from relevant applications worldwide, HPPC promotes the construction of projects that adopt processes based on the principles of “green” design, which contribute to the protection and promotion of the region’s natural and cultural heritage and that ensure sustainable development, with their twelve months of use and operation.

Greece 2.0 – National Recovery and Resilience Plan
SUB2. National Reforestation and Investment Plan of Parnitha - SUBPROJECT 4: Restoration Of Former Sanatorium/Hotel- Technical Assistance
Following the decision with Online Publication Number: ΨΨΟΒΗ-Π36/29.08.2022 of the Special Coordination Service of the Recovery Fund, the project entitled: “SUB2. NATIONAL REFORESTATION AND INVESTMENT PLAN OF PARNITHA – SUBPROJECT 4: RESTORATION OF FORMER SANATORIUM/HOTEL- TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE” (ΣΑΤΑ 075-code number 2022TA07500029)was included in the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
- The total eligible public expenditure is € 280,000.00 and the duration of the project is from 25.05.2022 to 31.12.2022.
- The project is funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU with Integrated Information System project code TA 5176101 in the of the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
It concerns the preparation of a total of six (6) technical and economic studies for the implementation of the restoration of the former Sanatorium/Hotel (SUBPROJECT 4) of Project 2: Investment of Parnitha of Action 16849. Subproject 4 concerns the restoration of the former Sanatorium/Hotel. The building was constructed in 1934 atan altitude of 1,025 m. Initially it was used as a Sanatorium fortuberculosis cases and since 1960 as a hotel. The former Sanatorium of Parnitha came under the ownership of the Greek National Tourism Organization around the beginning of the 1960s, operating initially as a XENIA hotel and later housing schools of tourism (Organization of Tourism Education and Training) until 1987. It is one of the few examples of sanatorium buildings in Greece, of such a large-scale that it has even preserved many elements of its original form. Due to its special cultural, historical and architectural value, the building of the Sanatorium has been designated as a listed building by decision with Online Publication Number: 619Ο4653Π8-ΟΔΘof the Ministry for the Environment and Energy.